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Wednesday at the Commons
Put a little soul refreshment in the middle of your week!
Wednesday at the Commons is Trinity's midweek learning community, which offers classes that open us to new ways of thinking, push us to go deeper in our relationships and commitments, and offer us new insights into each other and God.
Prior to class, we invite you to join us for our Holy Eucharist in the chapel at 5:30, and for our community meal at 6:00. Advance registration required for the meal.
*Eucharist and the Wednesday meal take place only when classes are in session.
Lent Term
March 12–April 9, 7:00-8:30 pm
Dinner: 6:00 pm (registration required)
Register for individual classes & meals using the links in the individual class descriptions below, or register in person in the Welcome Center.
Easter Term
April 30–May 28, 7:00-8:30 pm
Dinner: 6:00 pm (registration required)
Register for individual classes & meals using the links in the individual class descriptions below, or register in person in the Welcome Center.
Information coming soon!
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