Paul Flyger
Finance Manager
About Paul:
Paul grew up on a farm in South Dakota and began studying piano at age 7. After living in several states (SD, UT, AZ, CA) he transferred to Andrews University in Berrien Springs Michigan and earned two degrees in organ performance.
His music career included 24 years as organist and Music Director at the First Congregational UCC Church in Saint Joseph, 14 years teaching piano and music appreciation at Lake Michigan College and 9 years as Principal Keyboardist with the Southwest Michigan Symphony Orechestra.
In addition to music he enjoys good food, concerts, movies, outdoor hiking, raising houseplants and hanging out with friends.
Arrival at Trinity:
Paul first attended Trinity Cathedral in July 2017 and began singing in the choir. He joined the staff in December 2021 as Accounts Payable Specialist. His appreciation for spreadsheets couples well with his previous experience as Office Manager. After working a year as Assistant Finance Manager, he became Finance Manager in January 2023.
Fun Fact:
Paul learned to swim after completing college and took a few years of ballet dance lessons. His alternate career would be a landscape architect.