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Clergy & Staff

If you are experiencing a pastoral emergency, please call the Canon in Residence, the canon assigned each week to respond to pastoral concerns and serve as the public face of the Cathedral, at 503-478-1217.


The Rt. Rev'd Diana Akiyama

The Rt. Rev'd Diana Akiyama

Bishop of Western Oregon

Charissa Simmons

Charissa Simmons

Canon for Intergenerational Ministry

Charyl Cathey

Charyl Cathey

Outreach Co-Coordinator

Jim Hebert

Jim Hebert

Facilities Co-Manager & IT

Sienna Stribling

Sienna Stribling

Organ Scholar

Shana McCauley

The Rev'd Shana McCauley

Canon Vicar

Katie Webb

Katie Webb

Canon for Cathedral Music

Amanda Daly

Amanda Daly


Arwen Myers

Arwen Myers

Director of Communications & Marketing

Shannon TIlton

Shannon Tilton

Cathedral Life Administrator

Vijendran (VJ) Sathyaraj

The Rev'd VJ Sathyaraj

Priest Associate

John Baus

John Baus

Building Maintenance

Jeremiah Davis

Jeremiah Davis

Calendar & Events Coordinator

Maya Gascoyne

Maya Gascoyne

St. Cecilia Choir Director

Steve Isaacson

Steve Isaacson

Outreach Co-Coordinator

Daniel Myers

Daniel Myers

Low Voice Choir Coordinator

Jill Sajec (Osburn)

Jill Sajec

Missioner for Youth & Liturgical Coordinator

Liz Harlan-Ferlo

Elizabeth Harlan-Ferlo

Canon for Spirituality Education & Arts

Christine Johnson

Christine Johnson

Music Administrator

Christian Paton

Christian Paton

Sound Technician & AP

Elise Sandusky

Elise Sandusky

Facilities Manager & Operations

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