About "Play"lists
Come play with us with Trinity Family Ministries curated “Play”lists, all centered around your spiritual life and practices at home We know you're busy, so these aren't to-do lists! They are simply some ideas and practices to help integrate spiritual time into your family life, however and whenever you can.
Choose what works for you!
What is Pentecost?
Pentecost is the day we celebrate the Holy Spirit coming to us, inspiring us, and moving through us and the world.
We remember the first Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came to the disciples as they waited for something to happen. Their world had changed with Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension, and they wondered what they were to do next. On Pentecost, the Spirit came to them in the form of wind and fire, and as the ability to communicate with people of diverse languages.
The Spirit coming in the sound of a mighty wind helps us imagine it a little like the air. We don’t see it, but we know it’s there, and we see its effects. It can be powerful as a storm, gentle as a sigh, and always as close to us as our own breath.
This year Pentecost, arrives at an auspicious time. We have spent so much time this last year thinking about our breath. From George Floyd to facemasks to covid infection, so much focus has been on our ability, or lack of ability, to breathe freely. Everything has changed, and like the disciples, we ask “what do we do now?” Vaccines are beginning to give us some freedom, but we aren’t going back to everything as it was before. We’re going forward into something different.
This Pentecost, we have a chance to pause, take a deep breath, celebrate how the Holy Spirit is moving in our lives, and invite it to inspire us as we move forward.
Celebrating at Home
Pentecost is great day for a party! It’s easy to create a small celebration at home using wind and fire as inspiration.
Wear red
Eat some red or orange food
Tell the story of the first Pentecost
Use candles at meal or story time
There are LOTS of fun craft and play options!
fire colored ribbon stick
origami flames
paper airplanes
soap bubbles
mod-podge votive holders
paper wind/fire mobiles
paint flames with forks or fingers