Catechesis is our time-honored way in the Episcopal Church of welcoming those who are new, accompanying those who are preparing for special rites, and journeying alongside those who want to go deeper in their faith.
The way we engage Catechesis at Trinity focuses on the Sunday morning worship services – we break the communion liturgy down into its basic components to explore why we do what we do, where these pieces come from, and what they might mean in our daily lives. Along the way, we explore the basics of Christianity and the Anglican/Episcopal tradition, what makes Trinity unique, and the deep & beautiful question of what is means to be a person of faith in the 21st century.
The Catechesis program is led by Dean Nathan LeRud & other cathedral clergy, staff, and leaders of this congregation who are passionate about helping those who are new or newish (as well as those who have been at Trinity all their lives) go deeper in this community.
Catechesis may be for you if you’re:
Brand new to Trinity and/or Christianity
An “ex-Christian” (or ex-something) who is ready to explore questions of faith again
Seeking baptism or confirmation
A life-long Episcopalian who just started worshiping at Trinity
A life-long Trinity member who wants to go deeper in your faith
Anybody and everybody is welcome to join the Catechesis journey, which will begin again in January 2021. Join us!