Pastoral Care at Trinity
Pastoral Care is the “heart” ministry of Trinity, caring especially for those who are in acute or ongoing need, as well as for those with celebrations. The Pastoral Care team includes card writers, telephoners, prayer shawl knitters, and Lay Eucharistic Ministers, a group dedicated to bringing communion to those who can't get to church.
Contact Leslie Carveth to get involved, or to request care.
If you are experiencing an emergency or are in distress, contact the Canon in Residence, a member of the clergy who is available to respond to urgent pastoral concerns each week, at 503-478-1217.
Find support or get involved:
Pastoral Emergencies
If you are experiencing a pastoral emergency or need immediate support please call the Canon in Residence at 503-478-1217.
The Canon in Residence is an on-call clergy member assigned each week to respond to urgent pastoral concerns.
Home Communion
Teams of two take bread, wine, and prayers to our Trinity family who cannot attend in person so that they eat with us, even from a distance.
Prayer Team
Offers prayers in response to requests that come to us through the website, email, phone, and in-person chats. Sends handwritten cards of support, as well as notes of welcome to newcomers.
Also prays for the full congregation on a rotation, offering calls & emails.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Knitters and crocheters who stitch together blessings into prayer shawls. Work is done remotely.
Shawls are offered for free in the Welcome Center for anyone who could benefit from being wrapped in prayer.
Grief Group
A biweekly gathering of support & healing, led by a professional grief counselor.
Whether your loss is recent or in the past, join us. Drop in as you wish.
Click here to view the current schedule and register in advance