Hunger Ministries
Outreach ministries are pathways that transform hearts of worship into hands of service by building relationships with our neighbors in need and by partnering with them to create a healthy, just, peaceful and sustainable neighborhood and world.
Click to see Social Justice projects
​Questions? Not sure where to start? Email Charyl Cathey & Steve Isaacson​
Get Involved:

Trinity Food Pantry
Mon-Sat 11:00am-1:00pm
The Trinity Food Pantry offers hospitality and emergency food to our hungry neighbors, in addition to toiletry items and hot coffee.
Children & teens are welcome to serve. Donations of canned food and travel-sized toiletries are warmly accepted.
Judy Stone

Days/times vary
Gleaners pick up donated food for our food ministry from a variety of local businesses, such as Starbucks, Pizza Schmizza, Grand Central Bakery, Trader Joe’s, etc.
A vehicle & a valid driver's license are required.
Fred Jeibmann

Wednesday Meal
Every Wednesday, shifts from 8:00am-1:30pm
Help us prepare and serve hot lunches to our hungry neighbors every Wednesday in Kempton Hall. Jobs are available for kitchen workers, servers, and dishwashers, as well as for food prep volunteers on Tuesday mornings. Older children & teens welcome!
Steve Isaacson

Lift Urban Portland
Every 4th Friday, 11:00am-1:00pm
Collect food boxes from the Lift UP warehouse (NW Vaughn) and deliver them to Williams Plaza.
Additional volunteers are needed to take the boxes directly to residents once the supplies are delivered.
Pick-up days & times vary.
Amy Wilde-Taylor

Transition Projects
Once monthly
Volunteer teams cook and serve meals at three Transition Projects shelters.
Each team serves just once per month, and families are encouraged to form a team!
Charyl Cathey

Thanksgiving Meal
Thanksgiving week – shifts vary
(Thanksgiving Wednesday)
This annual event serves a traditional meal to more than 400 neighbors who might otherwise not have a Thanksgiving meal.
Volunteer needs include setup, cooking, serving, and cleanup at the Thanksgiving meal.
Jerry Petty