There is no wrong way to walk the labyrinth.
All are welcome!
The labyrinth is a tool for walking prayer and provides a safe space for a journey into our center, the place of our deepest knowing & our connection with the divine.

The Trinity Labyrinth consists of eleven circuits of path enclosed in a circle. A replica of the stone labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral, built in 1201 AD, Trinity's labyrinth was inlaid with a beautiful selection of woods on a preexisting hardwood floor.
Labyrinth use began at Trinity in early 1987 on a canvas labyrinth.
The Labyrinth Guild was formed in 1997 and commissioned the current inlaid labyrinth, which was installed in the fall of 1999.
The Trinity Labyrinth Guild is an energized community of individuals who help provide members of Trinity Cathedral and the wider community the opportunity to strengthen & deepen their spiritual practice by walking the labyrinth.
New members are always welcome!
Questions? Email Patricia Newton or Barbara Schondelmayer