Families & Children
Trinity serves all children, youth, and families, providing formation and education that model our core values and nurture every individual’s relationship with God.
Find out how your family can get involved at Trinity!
Questions? Contact Charissa Simmons, Canon for Children & Families
or Jill Osburn, Missioner for Youth
Upcoming Events
Children's Ministries (birth-grade 5)

Anyone is welcome to be baptized at Trinity! In baptism, we welcome new members into the church, commit ourselves to support them, and rededicate our own lives to Christ.
Baptism takes place throughout the year on designated Sundays.
Charissa Simmons

Church School
(Sundays at 10 am, ages 3 - grade 5)
Godly Play is a creative, imaginative approach to Christian formation and spiritual guidance for children. In Godly Play, we hear Bible stories, model liturgical worship, and explore symbols and rituals of our Christian tradition in a space designed for children to come close to God. Children’s faith is nurtured through wonder, play, and loving adult mentorship.
Charissa Simmons

(Sundays, 8:30-11:30 am)
Qualified staff care for our youngest members every Sunday on the lower level of the parish house. Parents are given vibrating pagers just in case they are needed in the nursery.
Childcare is also offered during some evening & special services.
Charissa Simmons

St. Cecilia Choir
Music on Sunday mornings & beyond!
St. Cecilia Choir (1st grade & up) meets Sundays at 9 am, and older children can enroll in the Trinity Choir School (grades 3-12) for a more comprehensive church music experience and choral education. Info at trinity-episcopal.org/choirs
Katie Webb

Church at the Commons
(First Sundays at 10 am)
Our monthly intergenerational, family service that gives children and youth a chance to participate fully in the liturgy and leadership of the service. Held in Kempton Hall.
Followed by a family outreach project for all ages.
Charissa Simmons
Youth Ministries (grades 6-12)

Trinity Choir School
(Grades 3-12) The Trinity Choir School offers young singers a world-class musical education at no cost. As participants, choristers experience the cathedral model of choral singing as they join adults in mature, challenging, and rewarding music-making; they also lead worship as a separate treble ensemble.
Info at trinity-episcopal.org/choir-school
Katie Webb

Youth in grade 6 & older are invited to serve as acolytes for Trinity’s worship services! Acolytes serve about once a month at the 10:00 service.
Trainings occur throughout the year, and experienced acolytes take on additional responsibilities. No experience necessary!
Helen Sudbury

Middle School Hour
(First Sundays at 11 am)
Calling all middle schoolers: join us for youth community time on the first Sunday of every month! We'll spend time together and consider a wide variety of topics that affect us in our daily lives. Delicious treats always provided!
Jill Sajec

Youth Support Team
Trinity’s Youth Support Team is a group of dedicated adults who offer support to youth & their families. We seek to honor the uniqueness of this stage of life, and support our youth in the realities of a changing world.
The most important ministry we can offer our youth is relationship focused on compassion, availability, and support.
Jill Sajec

(Confirmation class occurs annually January-May)
Confirmation is an important decision for young people who are baptised Christians. Trinity's youth confirmation class, which runs every spring, is led by our Missioner for Youth Jill Sajek and supported by mentors from the congregation. Open to 8th-12th graders.
Jill Sajec