Weds Class: Contemplating Christian Nationalism
Wed, Nov 06
|Trinity Cathedral Portland
In the wounded, weaponized state of US politics, the term "Christian Nationalism" is as common as it is confusing. What has brought us to this point? This class will offer opportunities to explore this question through study and discussion, as well as reflection and contemplation.
Time & Location
Nov 06, 2024, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Trinity Cathedral Portland
About the Event
In the wounded, weaponized state of current US politics, the term "Christian Nationalism" is as common as it is confusing. Understanding its impact on the election at hand is a challenge, and the study of history, political philosophy, economics, and sociology can help us begin to understand. (In person only. Led by Marla Martin Hanley.)
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Beneath the pursuit of definable questions and empirical answers lies deep spiritual anguish. What has brought us to this point? Why do we find ourselves—as a nation and personally—feeling angry, fearful, grieving, and hopeless? How can we begin to move forward?
Spanning the final weeks of the election season, this class will offer opportunities to explore these questions through study and discussion, as well as reflection and contemplation.
About the leader: Marla Martin Hanley has a PhD in American Studies and over 40 years of experience in college teaching, professional training, &…