The Ground You Stand On - The Terrain of Monastic Life and the Cornerstone Community
Wed, Oct 18
|Trinity Cathedral Portland
The ancient monastic tradition provides groundwork to support our longing for meaning and connection. Join us as we explore ancient traditions in modern practice.

Time & Location
Oct 18, 2023, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM PDT
Trinity Cathedral Portland
About the Event
Where do you stand physically, spiritually or perhaps metaphorically? The ancient monastic tradition provides groundwork to support our longing for meaning and connection. The stability of prayer, study and holy work are practices for transformation, a willingness to change and be changed. The class will explore ancient and contemporary texts, traditional and new ways to pray, and paths to make work holy. Material for reflection will include Scripture, The Rule of St Benedict, literature, headlines, maybe Facebook posts, maybe not.
Register to attend: https://onrealm.org/TrinityEpiscopalpdx/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=YTIyOGJiZGQtMjAxMi00MjYxLThhODctYjAzYjAxNzI0MDI0
The class will be facilitated by members of Cornerstone, a 45 member lay monastic community representing several parishes in the metropolitan area as well as France. Cornerstone members strive to follow The Rule of St Benedict, meet weekly in small groups and monthly as a community. While the class is an entry portal into the Cornerstone Community, anyone who seeks stability to support the challenge of change is welcome.
Taught by Abbot Elaine Harris, Prior Steve Isaacson (Author of Praying With St Benedict) and members of the Cornerstone Community. Elaine Harris is the abbot of the Cornerstone Community. She is recognized, not by a monk’s robe, but perhaps by a practiced search for meaning. She is a student of all things Benedictine, literature (especially the poetry of William Stafford), group dynamics and vintage white flowers. She and her husband Greg recently returned from one of their regular stays at the Benedictine Monastery of Christ in the Desert deep in the Chama River wilderness of northern New Mexico.